And We’re Back!

Happy New Year Everyone! Trust everyone had a great Christmas and New Year celebrations.

We begin our first Life Group Sharing of 2010 on Friday, 22 January 2010,  8pm, at Rosemary’s house. For directions, contact Rosemary or Evelyn. To get there, car-pool is strongly encouraged. 😉

Some events to look forward to for the year…

  1. “How To Start Your Own Business” – Saturday, 6 March 2010.
  2. Pulse Camp! – 24th to 25th April 2010. Venue to be confirmed.

Further details will follow closer to the dates. Mark them in your calendar and stay tuned!

This Week @ Pulse

If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by His purpose and for His purpose. – Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life.

theBookSee you this Friday, 16 October 2009 to discuss this further!

8pm, Shalom House. Be there!


October Highlight

October is upon us! That means Christmas is but a block away!

Or maybe two more months blocks away but you get the idea.

First, an update. We had a good brainstorming session at The Christmas Countdown, and our Christmas Celebration is now set on 28th November 2009. Further details on venue and entrance tickets will follow in the coming days. Stay tuned and mark the date in your calendar!

purpose-driven-lifeIn the meantime, we are excited to start 40 Days of Purpose reading Rick Warren’s book ‘The Purpose Driven Life’, beginning with Chapter 1 on Sunday, 11th October 2009. We will then meet as a Group on Friday, 16th October 2009, 8pm at Shalom House for more sharing. We are arranging for everyone to get a hold of their own copy, so do contact Evelyn or Tom & Didi if you have yet to get yours.

Looking forward to a time of learning and discovery with you in that 40 Days of reading.

Let’s find out what on earth are we here for together!

Christmas Countdown with Pulse!

Christmas-Snoopy-Lights-TreeGasp. Is it that time of the year already?? Well. Not really.

We do plan to have a great time of fun, food and fellowship for Christmas this year though. And for that we need some good creative juices going.

Join us for a time of throwing in your good ideas at Evelyn’s place, Saturday, 26 September 2009, 8pm. Light refreshments will be served.

Some ideas already in the pipeline are themed-costumes and a dance floor…

See you at the Countdown! 😉


To Elsa & Damian.


May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet. Enough trials to keep you strong. Enough hope to keep you happy. Enough friends to give you comfort. Enough determination to make, each day a better day, then yesterday. – From ‘The Wedding Planner’, the movie.

Highlight for April

Hiya folks! Time sure flies, doesn’t it? To keep those of you “blur” ones in the loop, we took a break from Pulse for a few weeks to attend the Alpha Course in church, and since the last session ends this week, it’s time to resume our activities again.

So.. are you wondering what’s in store for us this month? Well, Easter’s coming up and we figured it’s a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community and share God’s love, so we’ve decided to pay a visit to the old folks at the Sri Pritchard Old Folks Home in Kinarut on Sunday, the 19th of April, 2:30 PM. Unlike our previous outings, this time we’re delighted to have our “juniors” in Powerhouse join us. Activities planned so far include a dance and musical presentation and handing out gifts to the old folks. If you have any other suggestions that would help put a smile on their faces, do feel free to share them with us.

If you’re interested in joining this outing, please give your names to either Evelyn (016-8031230) / Elsa (012-8685742).